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Meet the Junglees



Parin Gala

Parin Gala is the founder of Junglee Outdoors, an experiential travel company based in Mumbai, India. Parin is a college dropout who has been traveling for the past 12 years, pursuing his passion for herpetology and rescuing snakes. He has rescued over 8000 snakes so far, and this passion is what motivated him to start Junglee Outdoors. The company focuses on bringing like-minded people together through unique camping and backpacking trips, creating a space for them to connect and make lifelong connections.

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Gaurav Gupta

Gaurav Gupta has been with Junglee for about a year. He left his corporate job after five years to pursue his passion for traveling and making new connections. He brings a mix of financial expertise and enthusiasm to his trips, making them unforgettable. His hardworking & jolly nature makes him an essential part of the core team.



Aryan Patani

Aryan Patani is the co-founder of Junglee Outdoors, an experiential travel company based in Mumbai, India. Aryan was once an avid gamer who spent hours in front of his screen, becoming overweight and depressed as a result. However, when he met the founder, Parin Gala, on a trek, he was inspired to pursue a new passion for the outdoors. Aryan quickly excelled in the company and became a key member, hosting over 2200 people on numerous treks and helping them create lasting memories. Now at just 20 years old, Aryan continues to lead and inspire others on their journey to connect with nature and each other.


Executive Officer

Anuj Singh

Anuj Singh has been a valuable member of the Junglee Outdoors team. He is known for his calm and composed management skills, which help him handle both on-ground operations and backend work efficiently. He consistently gives his best effort to ensure the success of the company.


Our Founder, Parin, started off organizing treks to support his rather unique hobby of rescuing & photographing wildlife, particularly snakes! He went on to rescue more than 8000 of these misunderstood animals and ended up traveling to the lengths and breadths of not just India but around Europe & South-east Asia. Along the way, he met some amazing, like-minded people in the form of Aryan, Anuj, Gaurav, Harsh, Mohit, Sanjana, Darshil & Aanyaa who joined hands with him to curate unique, off-the-beat experiences 8 most importantly, to deliver life-lasting memories!
Over the past 11 years or so, our steadily growing team has had the fortune of hosting more than 65,000 people and we don't intend to slow down any time soon :)

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